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As someone who is and always has been a practicing catholic, I was eager to see what you would report on homeopathy. Looking for answers to get my children well over 35 years ago, instead of putting holes in their eardrums to drain fluid and taking chemical steroids reduce allergic reactions, I found homeopathy. I knew God had created a way for our body to heal, since our body is always trying to be in homeostasis. I needed to find a way to help my children's bodies recover that balance and not have allergies or teething issues, etc. I found homeopathy and have never looked back. Finding the right medicine made from plant animal or mineral sources, has helped my family, pets and plants to recover quickly from many ailments. Any medicine that uses sources created by the creator of this magnificent world, in a none harmful, non-polluting, resourceful, inexpensive, safe and gentle means is the medicine that I prefer to use so much that I am a certified homeopath since 2021. We may not know how it works, but I've seen it work over and over again to my amazement and therefore, it is not contrary to the Catholic faith unless helping the body to heal is also contrary.

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